Circuit court automated information system: use of penalty assessment fees for [Sec. 542f, 605g, h, 3050p, q, 9446 (2h)] -
Act 9
Circuit court support payments: amount available for [Sec. 3051m, mp, 9109 (2f)] -
Act 9
Circuit court use of forms adopted by the Judicial conference, 7/1/00 - SCO
Court automation system and interpreter costs: appropriation revision [Sec. 605] -
Act 9
Harassment, child abuse or vulnerable adult temporary restraining order or injunction: person required to pay court fees revised -
Act 71
Judicial conference standard court forms, 1/1/00 - SCO
Justice information system fee increased; portion to automation system [Sec. 517, 3099] -
Act 9
Interstate emergency management assistance compact created -
Act 26
Civil service law terminology changed re handicap (remedial legislation) -
Act 87
Civil service revisions re restoration to certain classified positions, running for political office, assistant DAs, veterans museum superintendent, DMRS administrator authority and recommendations for promotion (remedial legislation)
Act 102
Psychiatric residents in DHFS: unclassified positions eliminated [Sec. 649, 2363] -
Act 9
State fair park board employes: treatment of re unclassified service [Sec. 648r, 945dc, 2362p] -
Act 9
County clerk requirement to notify DA of every action commenced against county and county board appeals repealed [Sec. 1575t] -
Act 9
PCB-contaminated sediments and leachate: indemnification agreements [Sec. 311a, 2648c] [2648c — partial veto] -
Act 9
Receipt of settlement money by the state [Sec. 643p, s] [vetoed]
Winnebago county: $2,087.00 claim for ballot reprinting costs [Sec. 9158 (9g)] -
Act 9
Conservation reserve enhancement program and funding; grassland habitat provision; prohibition re use of land for game bird, deer, animal or fur farm [Sec. 183tm, 637e, 1933gm] [1933gm — partial veto] -
Act 9
Administrative support bargaining unit: contract ratification -
Act 171
Assistant district attorneys bargaining unit: contract ratification
Act 40
Blue collar and nonbuilding trades bargaining unit: contract ratification -
Act 170
Building trades crafts bargaining unit: contract ratification -
Act 27
Disaster relief service provided by state employes affiliated with the American Red Cross: collective bargaining provision revised -
Act 101
Law enforcement bargaining unit: contract ratification -
Act 175
Local cultural arts district creation authorized; bonding, condemnation, collective bargaining, taxation, ethics and employment provisions; LAB duty set -
Act 65
Professional education bargaining unit: contract ratification -
Act 39
Professional engineering bargaining unit: contract ratification -
Act 168
Professional fiscal and staff services bargaining unit: contract ratification -
Act 41
Professional legal bargaining unit: contract ratification -
Act 169
Professional patient care bargaining unit: contract ratification
Act 33
Professional patient treatment bargaining unit: contract ratification -
Act 38
Professional research, statistics and analysis bargaining unit: contract ratification -
Act 34
Professional science bargaining unit: contract ratification -
Act 37
Professional social services bargaining unit: contract ratification
Act 174
Public defenders bargaining unit: 1997-99 contract ratification
Act 1
Public defenders bargaining unit: 1999-2001 contract ratification -
Act 36
QEO and economic issues [Sec. 2033r, 2035m, 2036m, 2069r, 9316 (1f), (3g), 9339 (8c)] -
Act 9
Security and public safety bargaining unit: contract ratification
Act 173
Technical employe bargaining unit: contract ratification -
Act 172
U.W. Madison and Extension program, project and teaching assistants bargaining unit: contract ratification
Act 35
U.W. Milwaukee program, project and teaching assistants: contract ratification -
Act 28
WERC appropriation for collective bargaining training [Sec. 367m] -
Act 9
DA position reallocations [Sec. 9101 (3d)] [vetoed] -
Railroad crossing gates in Stevens Point and Fall River: funding for [Sec. 346m, q, 9150 (9g)] [9150 (9g) — partial veto] -
Act 9
Biotechnology development finance company creation by Comm.Dept; report required [Sec. 2983c] [vetoed]
Brownfield remediation and redevelopment efforts: reports required [Sec. 2611d] [partial veto]
Act 9
Brownfields cleanup in the city of Kenosha: grant provided [Sec. 212d, 9110 (8gm)] [212d — partial veto]
Act 9
Business development initiative program: required number of employes increased; Comm.Dept staff may contract directly with technical or management assistance providers [Sec. 2974-2978] -
Act 9
Business employes' skills training grant program created, funding from Wisconsin development fund [partial veto]
Act 177
CAP services, inc.: grants re assistance and services to small businesses [Sec. 202g, 9110 (7v)] [9110 (7v) — partial veto] -
Act 9
City Brewery in the city of La Crosse: Comm.Dept loan; sunset provided [Sec. 9110 (7bt)] [partial veto]
Act 9
Comm.Dept funding re manufacturing technology training center and pedestrian bridge loan; consortium to use specific percentages in Kenosha and Racine counties [Sec. 196, 204, 9110 (4), (5)] [partial veto] -
Act 9
Development zones program: Comm.Dept may create exceptions to full-time jobs requirement [Sec. 3006, 9310 (2)] -
Act 9
Development zones program: number of projects allowed increased, environmental remediation permitted [Sec. 2999, 3009-3012] -
Act 9
Gaming economic development and diversifications grants and loans to businesses in same county as casino; Indian gaming compact moneys to fund; grants and loans to qualified businesses (including Native American businesses); grants and community-based venture fund re Milwaukee and Northwest RPC [Sec. 197-199, 203, 205-209, 555-559, 2952-2953i, 3022, 3023, 9110 (1), 9410 (4), (5)] [2953g-i — partial veto] -
Act 9
Hazardous pollution prevention duities of DNR, Comm.Dept and U.W. system expanded to promote pollution prevention [Sec. 891, 2670-2680, 2965-2973] -
Act 9
Hazardous substance storage tank: groundwater fee applied [Sec. 1973-1975, 1976, 1979] -
Act 9
High-technology business development corporation created in Comm.Dept to promote and support science and technology-based business in the state -
Act 106
Main street program and business revitalization: Comm.Dept may charge fees to nonparticipants; grants for participating municipalities permitted [Sec. 2937, 2937d] [2937d — vetoed] -
Act 9
Manufacturing assistance grants program eliminated; manufacturing extension center grants program for technology-based nonprofit organizations created [Sec. 2979, 2984, 2986-2992, 2995, 2997] -
Act 9
Menasha, City of: grants for pedestrian enhancements to city square [Sec. 202g, 9110 (6e)] -
Act 9
Mobile home regulatory authority revisions [for section numbers, see entry under ``Mobile home"]
Act 9
Nonprofit organization in urban area: assistance provided [Sec. 2931-2933] -
Act 9
One- and two-family dwelling codes in certain size municipalities: enforcement of [Sec. 1998af-bx, 9110 (3g), (3j), 9410 (3g)] -
Act 9
PECFA revenue bonding [Sec. 122-159m, 217, 218-221, 713, 715, 994, 1825, 1855, 1994, 2510] -
Act 9
PECFA revisions re site categorization, risk-based analysis, award prioritization and remedial action plans, awards, deductible amount and department duties [for section numbers and vetoes, see entry under ``Petroleum"]
Act 9
Petroleum product testing: Comm.Dept may contract for [Sec. 1972c, 2303r] -
Act 9
Petroleum storage remedial actions: Comm.Dept report on recommendations to reduce interest costs [Sec. 9110 (3yw)]
Act 9
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actindex/1999/clerk of court